Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Express Heartfelt Sympathy in a Unique (and Memorable) Way

"Send a gift that speaks from the heart..." Don't we all want to be express our heartfelt sympathy when someone loses a loved one? What if you just don't want to send the traditional flower arrangement for a funeral or memorial? We started our unique sympathy gift giving service with a focus only on framed art, but realized along the way that a sympathy gift can be given in many different forms and styles. 19 years later we offer memorial jewelry, photo frames, sympathy blankets, wind chimes, angel statues, crosses, candles, memorial poems, and garden stones along with our inspirational art to send when a truly personal expression of sympathy is desired. We have a file folder full of thank you notes that we have saved and treasured. A line from one of most recent notes: "Your beautiful picture was the true focus at this large funeral." How blessed are we to serve those who wish to show honor and respect with a "faith-filled" gift from Dulaya Memories!